This is time on my own.
This is an adventure.
I’m living in another world,
In the world of nature…
Success or failure means nothing
I’m living without any demands on me,
I’ve got all my skills,
I’ve got all my energy,
I’m relaxed,
It doesn’t matter
whether I win or lose...
Able to live without critical voices...
I’m alone… My new home… In nature…
Everybody left but I didn’t feel sad. I’m alone... I don’t have to do anything… Without “have to” or “should do” I don’t know how I'll live… After everybody had gone, I cleaned and tidied up the house. I’m alone… I listened to the radio but after one hour even the radio was too much for me. I turned it off.… I made a cup of tea… It was very unusual for me because I don’t like coffee or tea but I really wanted to drink a cup of tea while listening to the voice of the wood burner. I felt fantastic. I was free to be confused and be no one...
I was enchanted. I’m alone… I adore my new cottage, of course, but here was something entirely different, where a little effort on foot rewards you with hills, trees, rivers… I’m obsessed with Wales, I crave this lifestyle. There is a feeling that I can hardly put into articulate… Something about the feeling that time is running out; that it’s now or never…
The sun rests behind the clouds and does not show her light generously. The sky turns dark grey. I was willing to be here when it wasn’t quite perfect yet. I’m alone... I’m easily upset and frustrated with my new routine or sudden changes to my schedule, like my guest couldn't come here because she is very ill … I got a bit frustrated but I’m learning to adapt and to cope with the adjustments. It’s very useful and helpful to adapt but not easy. I handled today very well but I urged myself to create my practical routines. There is perfect comfort for people with Autism in knowing what will come next; routines are very important in providing a sense of security. My rules always kept me safe. On this day I’m sitting in front of the window. The grey clouds had begun to break up... I’m hearing the birds… The birds are on the tree.. I put bread in front of the window for the birds… Maybe crows will come to my window, who knows….
same time. I open the window and door for fresh air. Then I light the wood burner and Rayburn. I hoover and clean the kitchen and living room. That takes me over an hour. I clean upstairs twice a week. When everything is clean in the cottage then I can relax.
I’ve only been for one walk… However, I walk every day in Cardiff. I don’t want to go out. My memories are kicking…. I am full of memories wanting to come out. I’m so tired of my past. I have to break free from my past… I must drop it all. When my past falls away, I’m in touch with my core. I’m in touch with reality. I’m very well aware that loneliness is not cured by human company. Loneliness is cured by contact with my core.
I woke up, everywhere is white… Snow… I miss snow… Not too much snow but everywhere is covered white… I don’t know if my road is closed or not. Actually, I don’t care… I spent all day in my cottage… The weather is getting cold and my wood store is dwindling… I know I have enough but enough is not enough for my obsessive brain. For me, everything needs to be more in case of an emergency… It’s really hard for me to be rational in this kind of situation. I easily feel unsafe… When I feel unsafe then my anxiety starts and headache and nausea... It's hard for me to calm down. But I’m so thankful for those who work for the Elan Valley Project and the Visitor Centre. They always make my life very easy here… Especially Beth… Because of their attitude and their support, I have never had any discomfort. I have never felt any fear here.

I had a guest. Beth... I like having her here. When I met her for the first time, I immediately warmed up to her. She is lovely, kind and trustworthy. Sometimes it is nice to see people. I discovered that I can easily become a wild woman who lives alone, talks to animals, and doesn't care about humanity.
I’m so busy editing the photos which Andy and I took. Especially trees… Changing photos and creating a totally different view… I love it… When I’m focusing on photos then I forget about eating, hours passing, reality… I hope at the end of my fellowship I’ll have exhibitions here… Everybody is asking me how I feel after twelve days here… I’m so happy…
Today is the last day alone for me. Tomorrow Filiz is coming… She is my first guest. I’ll meet her in the Visitor Centre and the new chapter will start… I’m excited...
I sit down quietly
In the dark of the night
Listen to all the sounds around me
Wind, wood burner, rain,
I don’t focus on any one sound
I try to hear them all
When my senses are unclogged
I become connected to all in nature...